Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween 2008

Well the best day of the year has passed and so now we have to wait a long 363 days until the next Halloween :( but that's ok because this year was pretty good. We had our costumes: Mommy was the Magic Feather, Joseph was Dumbo and I was Marty McFly from Back to the Future. We had the party at our house and I went pretty much all out on the decorations. We had really more food then we could handle. Still, a good time was had by all. Highlights included the first annual Halloween Film Festival where the clear winner was Plan 39 From Outer Space. I was scathed by the critics for recutting an exisitng film rather than creating a new one. I never really had much participation from my cast so it was the best option available. Next year I suppose will be much better. I just want to know how they got Bella Lugosi to be in their movie since he's been dead for so long...

We also went Trick or Treating in the neighborhood, which is how I learned the real reason parents always had to check the candy for Razor Blades- it has nothing to do with safety, its so the parents get the pick of the good candy- always wondered why every Reeses had a Razor Blade in it...
I suppose no synopsis of Halloween would be complete without mentioning the most demeaning part yet a somewhat tradition- Dumpster Diving. Every November 1 we go to a dumpster by our local Spirit and extract "Halloween Treasures." Though it is even more demeaning than garage sales we have gotten some pretty good stuff. For example this year, we got a working fog/bubble machine which is pretty sweet and like a $70 value! We also got some in tact costumes and props. Got some animatronic figures and some hats and props- All because I was willing to get a little stinky and sticky. Fear not though, I took a good long shower afterwards and got all cleaned up and was rewarded accordingly.
Yessiree a pretty good Halloween! I've already started planning for next year!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Under Construction

So you always read about those online petitions, maybe you've even received one yourself. Like the guy who kept trading his red paper clip up until he got a new house. Well good. Those were all good causes but mine is better.

You see I need a DeLorean. I already have a car, and it works fine, but what I want is a DeLorean. One time I was turning into the shopping center at the Englewood LightRail station and turning left into the shopping center was a DeLorean. It was beautiful- but more importantly, I still remember it. Every detail of it, what time of day it was, who was with me, the exact spot on the road. I still talk about that DeLorean encounter. From then on- I had to have one.

Further back I was at the Bellco bank in Westminster, just behind the mall and lo and behold, what do I see backing out of the parking lot- a DMC 12 DeLorean. this was probably 15 years ago, but I remember it vividly.

Such a memorable car transcends life. I have several problems.

1. I have a mean wife. (By Mean I mean practical- concerned about our finances, mortgage and growing family)

2. They haven't made the car in 27 years so it's not like I can go into the dealership and buy one

3. They are somewhat rare and only available on Ebay or Craiglist or things of that ilk.

4. They don't exactly have the best reputation for reliability.

5. Parts.

So here's my plan, and where you come in. You see I can't justify spending 10 grand plus on a 30 year old car that is junky and cannot be fixed easily or cheaply. HOWEVER- you can... let me explain. If you send $1 toward the cause I will only need $9,999. If you forward this blog onto 5 friends and they all give $1, then I'm down to $9,994. Etc. If I can get 10,000 people to give me one dollar each- BINGO!

OK OK so what do you get out of it? as a 1/10,000th percent owner you are entitled to your share of the car's use. Estimated at an average life of 100,000 miles, that means you'd get to drive the car for 10 miles- no questions asked. Simple right? Want to drive it more? Donate more.
Here's how- I have PayPal where you could send even the smallest donation, or check to me. And in the spirit of the man who made the car, John Z. DeLorean, I'm willing to "bend the law" a little and you could mail me cash. Just keep it on the down low.
So there you have it. We shall be victorious!